
django-pgclone provides commands and utilities for doing Postgres dumps and restores. In contrast with other Django database copy/restore apps like django-db-backup, django-pgclone has the following advantages:

  1. Defaults to streaming restores (when S3 is enabled) for larger databases and limited instance memory.

  2. Provides hooks into the dump and restoration process, allowing users to perform migrations and other user-specified management commands before the restored database is swapped into the main one without interfering with the application.

  3. Allows ls of database dumps and easily restoring the latest dump of a particular database.


There are three main subcommands provided by the pgclone management command:

  1. pgclone dump: Dumps a compressed version of the instance’s database to settings.DBCOPY_STORAGE_LOCATION. The dump key is in the format {database_name}/{timestamp}.{config_name}.dump

  2. pgclone ls: Lists all dumped database copies under settings.DBCOPY_STORAGE_LOCATION. To list a single database, do pgclone ls <database_name>. To list all available databases do pgclone ls --only-db-names.

  3. pgclone restore <dump_key or db_name>: Restores the database. If a database name is provided, restores to the most recent snapshot of that database. Otherwise restores the provided dump key.

The PGCLONE_STORAGE_LOCATION setting determines where all of the database dumps are stored. It defaults to the local .pgclone/ directory. Using an S3 path such as s3://mybucket/prefix will use boto to store database dumps in S3.

dump and restore have additional arguments for configuring hooks and other parameters related to the underlying pg_dump and pg_restore commands that happen. These parameters can either be passed into the commands as arguments or provided as settings in

The following is an example of a dump configuration that excludes various models from being dumped:

    'default': {
        # Exclude the user table from being dumped.
        'exclude_models': ['auth.User']

When overriding the default configuration like so, performing pgclone dump will exclude the User table. One can also run pgclone dump --exclude-model auth.User to achieve the same thing.

Dump and Restore Hooks

django-pgclone allows one to hook into the dump or restore process at a few specific points in time. To create a hook, create a management command in your application and provide the management command name as the hook. django-pgclone will run the management command against the appropriate database at the following specific points in time:

  1. pre-dump: A “pre-dump” hook is one that runs before the database dumping takes place. The hook runs on the default database being used. Users that write pre-dump hooks must remember that any modifications in the pre-dump hook will be applied to the current application database. We will show some examples of pre-dump hooks later.

  2. pre-swap: A “pre-swap” hook is one that runs during restoration before the temporary database is swapped into the primary database. When running pgclone restore, the pg_restore command happens behind the scenes on a temporary database. When the restore is complete, any pre-swap hooks are executed on the temporary database. The final swap happens when all hooks have successfully finished. Pre-swap hooks will automatically have their database commands executed on the temporary database using connection routing capabilities from django-pgconnection. By default, the migrate command is performed as a pre-swap hook during restore. Users can do pgclone restore --pre-swap-hook migrate --pre-swap-hook other_manage_command to run pre-swap hooks or they can provide a PGCLONE_RESTORE_CONFIGS setting.

Reversible and Local Restores pgclone restore has a --reversible option that when used will keep around a “previous” and a “current” copy of the database. The “previous” copy will reference the database that existed before the restore started. The “current” copy will reference the database that existed right after the restore finished.

These two local copies can be reference with special syntax when restoring. For example, pgclone restore :current will restore back to the state of the original database, and pgclone restore :previous will revert back to the previous copy.


If one restores to :previous or :current and does not use the --reversible flag, they will no longer be able to use :previous or :current in later restores since these resources will be deleted.

The concept of :previous and :current restores extend to any database that is locally present. In order to see the available local database that can be used for restore, do pgclone ls --local.

Dumping RDS Postgres Databases

RDS requires a preparatory step to take place in order to dump the database. This can be handled by writing a pre-dump hook management command like the following:

class Command(BaseCommand):
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        print_msg(f'Running RDS prep SQL.')
        rds_prep_sql = '''
            CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION exec(text)
                returns text language plpgsql volatile AS
                $f$ BEGIN EXECUTE $1; RETURN $1; END; $f$;
            SELECT exec(
                'ALTER TABLE ' || quote_ident(s.nspname)
                || '.' || quote_ident(s.relname) || ' OWNER TO rds_superuser'
            FROM (
                SELECT nspname, relname
                FROM pg_class c JOIN pg_namespace n ON (c.relnamespace = n.oid)
                WHERE nspname in ('tiger','topology') AND
                relkind IN ('r','S','v') ORDER BY relkind = 'S')
        with connection.cursor() as cursor:

After you write this management command, edit your settings.PGCLONE_DUMP_CONFIGS as follows:

    'default': {
        'pre_dump_hooks': 'rds_prep_management_command_name'

Disabling Restores in Production

Set settings.PGCLONE_ALLOW_RESTORE to False as a secondary level of protection against someone accidentally running a database restore on a production instance.